A walk through Vizzini's history

Have you ever visited a new place and felt “wow” about it? That happens at Vizzini, a small and charming village on the island of Sicily. Our local host Salvatore will discover you a traditional village developed in the Middle Ages around a non-extant castle. Be involved in the history of Vizzini: field of various lords, the royal domain and the Arab layout for the town can be clearly seen walking through Vizzini streets. Discover the churches route and visit the Museum: Museo dell'immaginario verghiano: The Museum of Verga's imaginary is a place to visit, a place of memory that exceptionally combines literary identity and historical reality, sometimes confusing them, as Verga himself loved to do. Objects, passions and suggestions, by the great realist writer Giovanni Verga, tell the essence, the personal and family life that is intertwined, almost inextricably, with the characters of his works and the real world in which he grew up, was formed and from which he had drawn on for his way of seeing life and his sentimental education.